Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Damaged structural wood roof system trusses


Wood structural roof trusses are designed for a much heavier load than they will typically ever experience. It is assumed that at some point in their life, in the triad, they may experience as much as a two foot snow load. Who has witnessed that in the triad? We fail to realize that our roof structures experience massive stress during the re-roofing process from the weight of stored shingles and men working. We also fail to realize that trusses are designed for the minimum use of material causing every individual component to have major importance. One small failure can cause stress to be placed on other members they were not designed to handle. Why our inspectors are so picky about damage like this. To someone who doesn’t understand, this appears minor. It is not minor. It is very likely that all of these truss members failed, at their weakest points, many at knots, during the re-roofing of this home. Do you image a roofer knows, cares, or looks for this? You can be assured that they don’t. Nor do you. This is what you are likely completely unaware of. This is why, as home inspectors, we do what we do. Photos by our own inspector Joshua Hedges
Is your attic like this one? (copied and modified from a Facebook post)

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